Springtime Allergy Awareness: Tackling Springtime Pollen
Spring is an exciting time of the year for most people, with the countryside bursting into new life and a palpable sense of increased energy and potential. However, if you suffer from springtime allergies, you may find that springtime is complicated by frustrating symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy eyes and hives, which can be debilitating and prevent you from enjoying the season.
People who live with hay fever and other allergies may find Spring the hardest time of the year, as emerging plants and grasses spread pollen and the atmosphere becomes harder to cope with. Read on for our guide to coping with seasonal allergies, including common triggers and the products we recommend to relieve your symptoms and help you to feel better fast.
Common Springtime Allergies
In Ireland, common springtime allergies are often triggered by pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. Common allergens include Birch trees, grasses, nettles, ragweed, Oak trees, Alder trees and moulds and fungi. Many of these can affect those with allergies all year round, but most are more prevalent in the Spring as they start to grow.
Hayfever, or allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction that occurs when a person comes into contact with allergens such as pollens. The immune system releases histamines into the body, and this can cause inflammation in the eyes, throat and nasal passages, which sets off typical allergy symptoms.
If untreated, hay fever and other allergies can seriously impact your life, interrupting sleep and affecting your ability to enjoy your daily life. If you or a family member suffer from allergies, don’t despair! We can help you find solutions that work to alleviate your discomfort and ensure you can make the most of every day, even when the pollen count is high.
Reduce your exposure to pollen
Reducing your symptoms of hay fever and springtime allergies means reducing your exposure to pollen and there are many ways to do this. We recommend:
- Staying indoors when the pollen count is highest. The amount of pollen in the atmosphere will vary day by day and hour by hour, so you can reduce your exposure by checking the forecast and staying indoors when it is at the highest levels.
- Keeping the windows closed. When you open windows in your home, pollen will enter your indoor atmosphere as well and this will make it very difficult for you to find relief from your allergy symptoms. Keeping your windows closed, especially on high pollen count days, will help you to protect your environment and avoid being affected by pollen when you are indoors.
- Using an air purifier. Many people with allergies find great relief in using an air purifier. An air purifying device with HEPA filters will help to remove pollen and other allergens from your indoor environment and can make a big difference to allergy symptoms.
- Considering your clothing. When you go out, you can protect yourself from pollen by wearing sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to keep your eyes and face clear of pollen. Avoid rubbing your hands onto your eyes or face as this can transfer pollen to these delicate areas, and wear long-sleeved tops and long trousers whenever you can so that as much of your skin is protected as possible.
- Getting rid of pollen as soon as possible. When you have been outside, you will have picked up pollen on your clothing and your skin and changing your clothes and showering will help to combat this and protect you from pollen-related symptoms.
- Try allergy medications. There are many medications available for the relief of allergy symptoms and you can talk to our experienced Pharmacists to find out which will be the best options for you. There are several over-the-counter options, including antihistamines, decongestants and nasal sprays, and we can help you choose the right product for your symptoms and your lifestyle.
These measures will help you to manage your allergies more easily so that the Spring is not such a difficult time for you.
Allergy medications
When you suffer from allergies, finding the best products to relieve your symptoms can change your life and enable you to enjoy spending time outside. We have a range of allergy medications and we can recommend options that can help to soothe your symptoms and make you feel better. Products include:
Otrivine Antistin Eye Drops are formulated to bring quick relief to red and itchy eyes caused by allergies to pollens and house dust mites, reducing your symptoms and helping you to feel more comfortable. These eye drops contain two active ingredients, Xylometazoline, which is a decongestant, and Antazoline, which is an anti-allergic, and these combine to reduce histamine-induced responses such as itching and redness.
Zirtek Oral Solution is a banana-flavoured liquid suitable for children over the age of two years, used to combat the symptoms of allergies such as hayfever and dust allergies. The solution contains the active ingredient cetirizine, which is a reliable non-sedating antihistamine and can block the effects of the histamine that irritates your eyes and nasal passages. This helps to ease symptoms such as sneezing, itching eyes and a streaming nose, as well as itchy rashes.
If you prefer to take tablets, you may choose Cetrine Allergy Tablets, which are an easy way to relieve the symptoms of allergies. Taken just once a day, these tablets contain cetirizine, which interrupts the histamine response in your body and reduces allergy symptoms.
Before you start taking any new medications, it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor or pharmacist for advice. All medications can have side effects so you must read the patient information leaflet thoroughly and take medications according to directions. If you are giving medications to a child, you should seek advice from a medical professional to ensure that you are giving the correct dosage for the child’s age and weight. If you notice any symptoms that you believe to be side effects of your medication, you should stop taking the medication immediately and seek medical advice as soon as possible.
Living with springtime allergies
Once you are aware of your triggers, it can be easier to manage your allergies on a day-to-day basis. If you have had allergy testing or worked out that you are reacting to pollens, dust mites or mould spores, you can take steps to reduce your exposure to these. For instance, if you are allergic to dust mites, it can help to use hypoallergenic covers for your bedding.
Keeping your home clean is a simple way to keep dust mites under control and remove any pollens that have entered your indoor environment, so it can help to have a regular cleaning regime. You should wash bedding once per week vacuum floors and furniture often, and consider using an air purifier to help reduce allergens in your home.
Washing your hands regularly will help to remove pollen from your skin when you have been outside, and having a shower when you have been in contact with allergens will help to reduce your reactions. It is often helpful to talk to others in the same situation, and you can seek out support groups for those living with allergies to share tips and potential treatments. Ask your local healthcare providers if there are any support groups in your local area.
Visit Gray’s Pharmacy Today
Here at Gray’s Pharmacy, we have been supporting families in our local community with their healthcare needs for many years and our experienced Pharmacists can help you with all your health queries. We offer online prescription services, online doctor feedback and online shopping and delivery options, as well as extensive face-to-face services, in-store, and we can help you with dietary and lifestyle advice as well as finding the medications you need.
We have a wide range of healthcare and personal care products available online and in-store, as well as an excellent selection of hair and beauty products and gifts. Browse our online store or visit our Irish independently-owned community Pharmacy in Castletroy, Limerick, where we’re always happy to help.