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- 3 Castletroy Court, Dublin Road V94 A4P9 Limerick
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When you have a sore throat or cough, lozenges and sprays are the perfect way to soothe and relieve the pain. Here at Gray’s Pharmacy, we are committed to helping you and your family to find the health solutions you need to feel better fast and we have a great range of lozenges and sprays so that you can choose the options that work best for you.
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Buttercup Bronchostop Berry Cough Pastilles are a great choice when you have a cough and they are effective for chesty coughs, dry, tickly coughs and catarrh. These pastilles are formulated with traditional Thyme herb extract to calm and ease the irritation caused by frequent coughing, and they taste good, too.
Strepsils +Plus Anaesthetic Throat Spray is an effective medicated option for sore throats and can rapidly relieve pain and treat infection. The spray contains two reliable antibacterial ingredients and is quick and easy to use when you’re feeling unwell. Strepsils Sore Throat & Blocked Nose Lozenges are another excellent option, with a dual anti-bacterial action to soothe sore throats fast.
Difflam Spray can help to relieve painful throat and mouth infections by preventing pain and swelling and is often used to treat mouth ulcers, teething pain, sore throats, sore tongues or gums, and discomfort associated with dentures or dental work. This product can be used for adults, children and the elderly and it is crucial to ensure that you use the correct dosage for yourself or your family member.
It is very important to read the package information on any medication you are considering taking yourself or giving to a family member to ensure that you are aware of any potential side effects. If you are in any doubt about the dosage or frequency of medication you or your family member should be taking, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
Sore throats and coughs may also be eased using home remedies such as hot lemon and honey drinks or herbal teas containing anti-inflammatory ingredients such as ginger. Reducing stress in your life is a very important way to lower your risk of developing illness and ensuring that you get enough sleep is vital for your overall health.
At Gray’s Totalhealth Pharmacy, we believe that your well-being matters, and we aim to support you and your family with all of your healthcare queries. We believe that lifestyle changes are the key to improving your health and we can advise you on making changes to your diet and exercise routine to benefit your mental and physical health. We offer a range of services including prescription drugs, health products, vitamins, cosmetics and skincare, and we are always on hand to support our local community with healthcare advice for all the family. Pop in and see us today in our Irish independently-owned community Pharmacy in Castletroy, Limerick.
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Gray's Totalhealth Pharmacy,
3 Castletroy Court, Dublin Road
V94 A4P9 Limerick, Ireland
9:30am – 6:30pm
9:30am – 6:00pm
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